Wendy Fry CalMatters Federal immigration authorities are looking for a potential new detention center in Northern California, an effort that alarms advocates and some Democratic state lawmakers as President-elect Donald Trump gears up to unleash his mass deportation plan. In August, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) issued a...
Alexei Koseff CalMatters In the early hours of Wednesday November 6, Former President Donald Trump won a second term after four years out of the White House, likely thrusting California back into leading the resistance against him. The Associated Press made its call at 3 a.m., declaring that the Republican defeated...
Alexei Koseff CalMatters Un anuncio de campaña que inunda las ondas de televisión en la región de Sacramento durante esta temporada electoral advierte que el actual asambleísta republicano está “respaldado por extremistas anti abortistas” que “saben que respaldará su peligrosa agenda antielección”. Los residentes de los suburbios del norte...
Alexei Koseff CalMatters A campaign spot flooding TV airwaves in the Sacramento region this election season warns that the incumbent Republican Assemblymember is “backed by anti-abortion extremists” who “know he’ll back their dangerous, anti-choice agenda.” Residents of the northern Los Angeles suburbs might find their YouTube videos begin with...
Jeanne Kuang CalMatters Trabajaron casi tres días de tres dígitos antes de que les pareciera inseguro continuar. María Paredes dijo que ya tenía dolor de cabeza mientras trabajaba en un campo de tomates cerca de Dixon el 5 de junio, cuando las altas temperaturas alcanzaron entre 99 y 107...
Jeanne Kuang CalMatters They worked nearly three triple-digit days before it felt unsafe to go on. Maria Paredes said she already had a headache while working in a tomato field near Dixon on June 5, when high temperatures hit between 99 to 107 degrees. The hotter the next day...
En una luminosa mañana a principios de enero, cerca de la confluencia de los ríos San Joaquín y Tuolumne en el centro de California, John Cain contempla un pequeño lago curvo. La mayoría de los árboles están desnudos para el invierno, pero Cain, director senior de conservación de la...
On a bright morning in early January near the confluence of the San Joaquin and Tuolumne rivers in Central California, John Cain looks out over a small, curved lake. The trees are mostly bare for winter, but Cain, senior director of conservation of the nonprofit organization River Partners, points...
Rachel Becker CalMatters Casi 400 sistemas de agua que abastecen a casi un millón de californianos no cumplen con los requisitos estatales para un suministro de agua potable seguro y confiable, y arreglarlos costaría miles de millones de dólares. Más de dos tercios de estos sistemas de agua defectuosos...