Social Media

  • How Social Media Design Fuels Online Fights

    SEATTLE – Constructive conversations online can seem few and far between. Research from the University of Washington explores how the design of social media sites affects disagreements. Amanda Baughan, PhD Student in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington, helped lead that research. The research showed that spending...
  • Cómo el diseño de redes sociales impulsa las peleas en línea

    SEATTLE – Las conversaciones constructivas en línea pueden parecer pocas y espaciadas. Una investigación de la Universidad de Washington explora cómo el diseño de los sitios de redes sociales afecta los desacuerdos. Amanda Baughan, estudiante de doctorado en Ciencias de la Computación e Ingeniería de la Universidad de Washington,...
  • Los “baby boomers” pasan mucho tiempo libre pegados a las pantallas

    SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – En la última década, los estadounidenses mayores de 60 años han aumentado el tiempo que pasan en computadoras, tabletas, teléfonos o viendo televisión en casi 30 minutos por día. Y eso significa que la generación Baby Boomer y los mayores pasan más de la mitad...
  • Baby Boomers Spend Lots of Leisure Time Glued to Screens

    SIOUX FALLS, S.D. — In the past decade, Americans ages 60 and older have increased the time they spend on computers, tablets, phones or watching T.V. by nearly 30 minutes per day. And that means the Baby Boomer generation and those older spend more than half of their daily...
  • Alternatives to Facebook

    Shelly Palmer  Facebook has been under relentless attack since the Cambridge Analytica scandal in early 2018. Broadcasters and news publishers have declared open season on Mark Zuckerberg, Sheryl Sandberg, and other senior executives at the company. And while not quite ubiquitous, #deletefacebook pops up every time there’s a story...
  • 5 Smart Ways to Protect Your Data On Social Media

    News & Experts The Facebook data breach opened a Pandora’s box of concerns for social media consumers. The company estimated that data firm Cambridge Analytica may have had information on about 87 million Facebook users without their knowledge. In testimony before the U.S. Senate, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg promised...

    Hilbert Morales EL OBSERVADOR An article entitled, “Tech Chiefs Get a Bit Older and Wiser,” (author: Kevin Roose, New York Times Large Print Weekly, March 26, 2018, p 18) presents a perspective which may not be addressed at all by those members of the U.S. Congress who will have...
  • How Selfies and Self-Produced Videos are Changing the Way We Communicate

    StatePoint The way we communicate and relate to one another is rapidly evolving, and new platforms and applications are constantly feeding that change. At the center of it all is the ability for individuals to create their own video, photo and written content that allows them to express opinions...
  • Fake News Not Swaying Elections

    Eric Galatas Public News Service DENVER – Despite claims by some politicians, fake news, social media and search algorithms don’t sway public opinion, according to a study by a group of international researchers. William Dutton, the report’s lead author, says if search engines did help create so-called filter bubbles...