Cada año, hasta 160,000 personas mayores que viven en los Estados Unidos son hospitalizadas y hasta 10,000 mueren debido al virus respiratorio sincitial (RSV). El RSV es un virus altamente contagioso que se propaga a través del contacto cercano con personas infectadas, generalmente aumenta durante el otoño y alcanza...
Each year, up to 160,000 older adults living in the United States are hospitalized and as many as 10,000 die due to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). RSV is a highly contagious virus that spreads through close contact with infected individuals, typically increasing during the fall and peaking in winter....
Marisa Kendall CalMatters Desesperados por encontrar una forma de ayudar a las decenas de miles de personas que viven en tiendas de campaña, automóviles y vehículos recreativos en las calles de California, los legisladores están intentando cambiar un principio clave de la política estatal para las personas sin hogar....
Marisa Kendall CalMatters Desperate for a way to help the tens of thousands of people living in tents, cars and RVs on California’s streets, lawmakers are attempting to upend a key tenet of the state’s homelessness policy. Two new bills would allow state funding to support sober housing —...
DIY activities, like swapping a lighting fixture or painting your living room, are popular ways to accomplish your to-do list. But as anyone who has tackled too big of a project knows, some jobs are best left to the professionals. That includes your dental health. You may have already...
Adam Echelman CalMatters Muchos puestos del gobierno de California no requieren un título universitario. Esa lista puede crecer a medida que las agencias enfrentan un aumento en las vacantes de empleo. Durante la última década, las ciudades, los condados y el gobierno estatal de California han estado cambiando las...
Adam Echelman CalMatters Many California government jobs don’t require a college degree. That list may grow longer as agencies face a rise in job vacancies. Over the past decade, California cities, counties, and the state government have been changing the job descriptions for thousands of employees — either by removing...
Eric Tegethoff Public News Service Octubre es el Mes de Concientización sobre el Cáncer de Mama y los profesionales de la salud dicen que cada vez se diagnostica más cáncer a mujeres más jóvenes. Aproximadamente una de cada ocho mujeres será diagnosticada a lo largo de su vida, pero las tasas...
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and health professionals say younger women are increasingly being diagnosed with the cancer. About one in eight women will be diagnosed in her lifetime, but survival rates are high if the cancer is caught early. Dr. Monika Wells, an internal medicine specialist with Kaiser...