Yue Stella Yu CalMatters Adam Schiff has likely punched his ticket to the U.S. Senate. Placing first in California’s top-two primary as of early March 6, the Democratic U.S. representative is heading into the November election against former L.A. Dodgers legend Steve Garvey — the Republican in second place,...
Adam Echelman CalMatters At 47, Ibrahim Mohamed doesn’t fit the typical image of a college intern. When he arrived in the U.S. from Sudan in 2016, he went online to look for a steady job and decided he wanted to be an electrician at a water treatment facility. A...
Joe Montana le está dando una oportunidad a la vida después del fútbol americano: desde dominar nuevos pasatiempos hasta protegerse a sí mismo contra la neumonía neumocócica. Eres conocido por ser competitivo. Ahora que colaboras con Pfizer para ayudar a crear conciencia sobre la importancia de vacunarse contra la...
Joe Montana is taking his shot at life after football: from mastering new hobbies to helping to protect himself against pneumococcal pneumonia. You’re known for being competitive. Now that you’re teaming up with Pfizer to help raise awareness about the importance of getting vaccinated against pneumococcal pneumonia, what are...
La temporada contra la influenza (gripe) está aquí y los adultos con ciertas afecciones crónicas, como asma, enfermedades del corazón y diabetes, están en mayor riesgo de presentar complicaciones graves a causa de la influenza, incluso la hospitalización o hasta la muerte. De hecho, durante temporadas de influenza pasadas,...
Flu season is here, and adults with certain chronic health conditions, like asthma, heart disease, and diabetes, are at higher risk of serious flu complications, including hospitalization or even death. In fact, during past flu seasons, 9 out of 10 adults hospitalized with flu had at least one underlying...