Peter Schurmann Ethnic Media Services HALF MOON BAY, Ca. – Residents and public officials gathered in Half Moon Bay on Sunday January 21 for a memorial marking the one-year anniversary of a shooting that claimed the lives of seven farmworkers. The event came on the heels of another shooting...
Nigel Duara CalMatters Ken Pritchett hace clic con el mouse y el logotipo de un departamento de policía del sur de California aparece en un monitor de computadora del ancho de sus hombros. Otro clic y la imagen cambia a un mapa tridimensional. Una flecha naranja brillante indica la dirección en la que...
Nigel Duara CalMatters Ken Pritchett clicks his mouse and the logo of a Southern California police department pops up on a computer monitor the width of his shoulders. Another click and the image flips to a three-dimensional map. A glowing orange arrow indicates the direction a man ran as...
Es difícil explicar un acto de violencia sin sentido. Pero después de cada tiroteo masivo — en solo dos días, el total en 2023 pasó de 33 a 39 en todo el país — nosotros (los medios, el público y los legisladores) lo intentamos de todos modos. El motivo...
It’s difficult to explain a senseless act of violence. But after every mass shooting — in just two days, the total in 2023 went from 33 to 39 nationwide — we (the media, the public and policymakers) try anyway. The motive remains unclear as law enforcement continues to investigate the massacre...
Communities across Colorado continue to mourn the deaths of at least five people, after a 22-year-old gunman allegedly opened fire inside an LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs on Saturday. More than two dozen people were injured. Colorado’s 4th Judicial District Attorney Michael Allen told reporters he has a strong...
President Joe Biden traveled to Buffalo Tuesday to grieve with residents of the city, after 10 people were killed over the weekend in an anti-Black racist attack. During a speech at Buffalo’s Delavan Grider Community Center, Biden recalled the names of the 10 victims and who they were to...
BOULDER, Colo. — An intensive investigation is underway into a mass shooting that killed ten people, including a police officer, at a Boulder, Colorado grocery store Monday afternoon. Police say it will take at least five days to process the scene at the King Soopers supermarket. Little is known...
BOULDER, Colorado – Se está llevando a cabo una investigación intensiva sobre un tiroteo masivo que mató a diez personas, incluido un oficial de policía, en una tienda de comestibles de Boulder, Colorado, el lunes 22 de marzo. La policía dice que tomará al menos cinco días procesar la...