LOS ANGELES & SAN JOSE – School will be back in session soon and this year, teachers and students will transition from the virtual classroom to in-person learning. It’s also a stressful time for parents who have to purchase school supplies. Global supply chains are compromised by extreme weather, cyber...
LOS ÁNGELES Y SAN JOSÉ – La escuela volverá a estar en sesión pronto y este año, los maestros y los estudiantes harán la transición del aula virtual al aprendizaje en persona. También es un momento estresante para los padres que tienen que comprar útiles escolares. Las cadenas de...
SACRAMENTO, California – Hay un problema que sigue obsesionando a los responsables de vigilar el cumplimiento de las leyes federales y estatales cada temporada fiscal: los asesores fiscales fantasma. Se trata de personas cobijadas detrás de la fachada de un despacho contable que reciben a infinidad de contribuyentes y...
SACRAMENTO, California – There is a problem that continues to obsess those responsible for monitoring compliance with federal and state laws every fiscal season: ghost tax advisors. These are people sheltered behind the facade of an accounting office that receive countless taxpayers and disappear just after the deadline for...
Evan Arnold-Gordon Golden Gate Better Business Bureau Have you received a call from someone claiming to be from a government agency? Or perhaps you’ve received a suspicious looking email from a household brand name? Impostor scams occur every day, so it’s important to know what’s real and what’s...
Evan Arnold-Gordon Golden Gate Better Business Bureau ¿Ha recibido una llamada de alguien que dice ser de una agencia gubernamental? ¿O quizás recibiste un correo electrónico sospechoso de un nombre de marca familiar? Estafas impostor ocurren todos los días, por lo que es importante saber lo que es...
Better Business Bureau The Better Business Bureau’s 2018 Scam Tracker Risk Report named Employment Scams as the riskiest form of consumer fraud, according to a new report. The study, Tech-Savvy Scammers Work to Con More Victims: 2018 BBB Scam Tracker Risk Report, recorded more than 50,000 scam reports to...
Rebecca Harpster Golden Gate Better Business Bureau Did you celebrate National Puppy Day on March 23? The adorable pictures all over social media almost convinced me to adopt a furry friend of my own – but I decided that I didn’t want to risk upsetting my cat. Although puppies...
Rebecca Harpster Golden Gate Better Business Bureau Online purchase scams are now the riskiest form of consumer fraud, according to a new report from the Better Business Bureau (BBB). In 2017, consumers reported more than 47,000 scams to BBB Scam Tracker (BBB.org/ScamTracker). BBB analyzed this information using its unique...