Nigel Duara CalMatters California solía necesitar muchas, pero muchas prisiones. Prisiones grandes, prisiones pequeñas, prisiones con celdas especiales para líderes de pandillas y prisiones para condenados por artimañas financieras consideradas no violentas. Había tantos presos amontonados en tantas prisiones que los tribunales federales intervinieron y ordenaron que el estado...
Nigel Duara CalMatters California used to need lots and lots of prisons. Big prisons, little prisons, prisons with special cells for gang leaders and prisons for those convicted of nonviolent financial chicanery. There were so many prisoners packed into so many prisons that federal courts intervened, mandating that the...
Andrea Sears Public News Service NEW YORK – Workers and immigrants in New York City are marking May Day by demanding that Wall Street stop profiting off the private prison industry. The protest began with an early morning march from Battery Park to the heart of the financial district....
Andrea Sears Public News Service Mass incarceration of African Americans has contributed significantly to the racial achievement gap in the nation’s schools, according to a recent report. The so-called war on drugs vastly expanded the U.S. prison population. But while African Americans are no more likely to sell or...