It is natural that the epidemic of addiction to fentanyl-derived drugs should occupy our attention. More than 70,000 overdose deaths a year qualify as a public health emergency anywhere in the world. But there is another public health crisis before our eyes: a recent report in the Journal of...
A coalition of domestic violence (DV) organizations in California are advocating to continue $15 million for domestic violence prevention, a grant that was left out of the proposed budget introduced by Governor Gavin Newsom May 13. The state Legislature, which is expected to announce its final budget on June...
Los defensores de la prevención de la violencia armada en Nevada aplauden una nueva regla de la administración Biden para cerrar un vacío legal que permite la proliferación de las llamadas “armas fantasma” imposibles de rastrear. Los kits de piezas de armas sin terminar pronto tendrán que llevar un...
Gun-violence prevention advocates in Nevada are applauding a new rule by the Biden administration to close a loophole allowing the proliferation of untraceable so-called “ghost guns.” Kits of unfinished gun parts will soon have to carry a serial number, buyers will have to pass a background check and sellers will need...
Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk Grandes tormentas como Katrina, Sandy y Harvey fueron devastadoras para las poblaciones locales y reformaron los paisajes de las regiones donde tocaron tierra. También cambiaron la forma en que pensamos y diseñamos nuestras ciudades costeras. Esperemos haber aprendido sobre dónde (y dónde no)...
Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk Major storms like Katrina, Sandy and Harvey were devastating to local populations and reformed the landscapes of the regions where they made landfall. They also changed the way we think about—and design—our coastal cities. Let’s hope we’ve learned about where (and where not)...
BPT Some things in your medicine cabinet are more dangerous than others. When it comes to prescription drugs, opioid pain medicines can be addictive and even deadly. Do you have unused prescription opioids in your home? Keeping unused prescription opioids is risky and can result in overdose and death...
Algunas cosas guardadas en su botiquín son más peligrosas que otras. Cuando se trata de medicamentos de receta, los medicamentos opioides pueden ser adictivos e incluso mortales. ¿Guarda opioides recetados no utilizados en el hogar? Quedarse con ellos es riesgoso y puede resultar en una sobredosis e incluso la...
BPT If you’re a parent, you bring your kids to their annual checkups, get their teeth cleaned twice a year and help them eat well and get enough sleep. You do this to keep them physically healthy, but what about their mental health? For parents, it can sometimes seem...