
  • Seasonal allergies: 8 tips that offer relief

    Spring. The time of year when, as poet Alfred Lord Tennyson famously said, a young man’s (and woman’s) fancy “lightly turns to thoughts of love.” That is, of course, if you’re not sneezing, coughing or dealing with itchy eyes. Spring allergies seem to get worse every year. Is there...
  • Alergias estacionales: 8 consejos que ofrecen alivio.

    Primavera. La época del año en que, como el famoso poeta Alfred Lord Tennyson dijo, la fantasía de un joven (y de una mujer) “se vuelve ligeramente a los pensamientos de amor”. Eso es, por supuesto, si no está estornudando, tosiendo o lidiando con picazón en los ojos. Las...
  • Consumer Advocates Urge Governor to Limit Short-Term Health Plans

    Suzanne Potter California News Service SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Groups fighting to keep California’s health care system on track are calling on Gov. Jerry Brown to sign Senate Bill 910 which would limit short-term insurance plans. The Trump administration finalized new rules in August to allow so-called skinny plans to remain in...