Desde las elecciones, se ha hablado mucho de lo que pasó en California. Los titulares proclamaban que California se había desviado hacia la derecha y que nuestros valores de inclusión y cuidado eran los culpables. Tanto los demócratas centristas como los analistas conservadores afirman que el Partido Demócrata se...
Since the election, there has been a lot of finger-wagging about what happened in California. Headlines proclaimed that California shifted to the right, that our values of inclusion and care are to blame. Centrist Democrats and conservative pundits alike claim the Democratic Party has gone too far to the...
Political violence has been part of the history of the United States since its beginnings and, unfortunately, continues to be a reality to this day. It occurred in the colonial period and in the revolution; in the first years of the Republic, it reached its climax in the Civil...
Less than three months before the presidential elections on November 5 and a few days before the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, the United States is experiencing a political earthquake. The emergence of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz on the political scene had the effect of transforming the electoral...
Jim Newton CalMatters Demography, politics and the unintended consequences of civic reforms have pushed Los Angeles to the left, creating an electorate hostile to Republicans and shaping the prospects of candidates and causes this November and beyond. That broad, historic trend may get an added boost this election cycle...
California political analysts predict the race for president will tighten since President Joe Biden has dropped out and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris. If elected, Harris would be the first Black woman and first person of Asian descent to ascend to the highest office in the land. Lynn Vavreck, professor of...
Los líderes electorales locales en Dakota del Norte no creen que la violencia política sea algo que vayan a encontrar, pero una nueva encuesta nacional se sumó a la lista de sentimientos preocupantes entre los votantes, manteniendo a los cargos en alerta. En la última encuesta de PBS/Marist, uno...
Local election leaders in North Dakota do not feel like political violence is something they will encounter but a new national poll added to the list of concerning sentiments among voters, keeping offices on their toes. In the latest new PBS/Marist poll, one in five U.S. adults believes Americans may have...
Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services En una sesión informativa de Ethnic Media Services el viernes 23 de febrero, expertos en participación electoral discutieron cómo la organización de los votantes comunitarios puede generar cambios políticos. Lo que los votos comunitarios pueden ganar “Si vamos a lograr un cambio social, para...