Carolyn Jones CalMatters It’ll be a while before Los Angeles can fully assess the damage to its schools from this recent spate of fires, but a few things already seem certain: rebuilding will take a long time, it will be expensive, and it may sap the statewide fund for...
Alejandro Lazo CalMatters California ha decidido abandonar sus innovadoras regulaciones que eliminan gradualmente los camiones diésel y exigen locomotoras más limpias ya que es poco probable que la administración entrante de Trump permita que el estado las implemente. Los funcionarios estatales han considerado durante mucho tiempo que las reglas...
Alejandro Lazo CalMatters California has decided to abandon its groundbreaking regulations phasing out diesel trucks and requiring cleaner locomotives because the incoming Trump administration is unlikely to allow the state to implement them. State officials have long considered the rules regulating diesel vehicles essential to cleaning up California’s severe...
Natalie Hanson Ethnic Media Services Los californianos sin hogar se encuentran entre los que corren mayor riesgo de sufrir calor extremo, según expertos del gobierno. Tres veteranos sin hogar de las olas de calor del verano en el Área de la Bahía dicen que sus consejos más importantes para...
Natalie Hanson Ethnic Media Services Unhoused Californians are among the most at risk from extreme heat, according to government experts. Three homeless veterans of the Bay Area’s summer heat waves say their most important tips for surviving the rising temperatures have come from other unhoused people. All say it’s...
Jeanne Kuang CalMatters Food banks across California are bracing for a feared spike in hunger amid inflated prices after a pandemic-era boost in food aid ends in April. March is the last month CalFresh recipients will get the additional benefits, as the federal government cuts off the “emergency allotments”...
Santa Clara County Public Health SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIF. – New data show that flu activity is higher in Santa Clara County than usually seen at this time of year, with levels increasing since the start of November. County of Santa Clara Public Health Department data show the weekly percentage...
In the final stretch towards the November 8 elections, the theme of the green economy, that is, the creation of millions of sustainable jobs from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), is one of the main rallying cries of the Democrats. Less visible, but just as important from a social...
Al cierre del primer Simposio Juneteenth de la Universidad Estatal de California el mes pasado, el máximo ejecutivo del sistema presentó una agenda para mejorar la experiencia de los estudiantes de raza negra en el sistema universitario público más grande del país. ¿El primer elemento en la lista de...