NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Los rasgos y capacidades exclusivamente humanos serán más importantes en el panorama laboral posterior al coronavirus, según Jamie Merisotis, autor de un nuevo libro sobre el futuro de la fuerza laboral. Al menos un estudio estima que el 40% de los trabajos que vieron despidos relacionados...
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Uniquely human traits and capabilities will be more important in the post-coronavirus work landscape, according to Jamie Merisotis, author of a new book on the future of the workforce. At least one study estimates 40% of jobs that saw COVID-related layoffs aren’t coming back, and Merisotis said the crisis offers...
Amid the historic coronavirus pandemic, businesses are adapting by making major changes to their operations, including increased use of technology, according to the latest PNC semi-annual survey of small and mid-size business owners and executives, which concluded Sept. 8. Eight in 10 business owners reported that they have made...
For a sector of the United States population, the COVID-19 pandemic has represented a transformation in their working lives. The border between personal and professional life has been blurred, and in many areas of the economy, high-speed Internet connectivity has made it possible to maintain and even increase productivity...
Para un sector de la población de Estados Unidos, la pandemia del COVID-19 ha representado una transformación de su vida laboral. Se ha diluido la frontera entre la vida personal y profesional, y en muchas áreas de la economía la conectividad de alta velocidad de Internet ha hecho posible...
A medida que las empresas y los servicios se vuelven a abrir en todo el país, el número de muertos por COVID-19 continúa aumentando, y los expertos advierten que los estadounidenses deben seguir tomando precauciones para ayudar a detener la propagación del virus. “En los estados de todo el...
As businesses and services reopen nationwide, the death toll from COVID-19 continues to rise, and experts warn that Americans must continue taking precautions to help stop the spread of the virus. “In states across the country, the spread of COVID-19 is staggering and concerning. We all have a role...
It’s always the right time to commit to healthy habits, behaviors and steps to improve your physical and mental health. With the COVID-19 pandemic creating so much uncertainty and upending so many routines, experts say that focusing on the things within your control is particularly important. “At this particular...
Siempre es el momento adecuado para comprometerse con hábitos, comportamientos y pasos saludables destinados a mejorar su salud física y mental. Cuando la pandemia del COVID-19 está creando tanta incertidumbre y poniendo de cabeza tantas rutinas, los expertos dicen que centrarse en las cosas que están bajo su control...