
  • FDA Cracks Down on Vape Products; Experts Say More Action Needed

    The Food and Drug Administration recently announced several actions in an effort to crack down on illegal, flavored, disposable vape products which are popular among kids and teenagers. In one example, research indicates 51% of Arizona high school students have tried electronic vaping products, and that teens who do vape are...
  • ‘They Needed a New Target’ — Wave of Anti-Trans Laws Sweep State Houses

    Peter White Ethnic Media Services A North Carolina native, Sailor Jones is a longtime organizer and community advocate who for more than two decades has fought for social justice in his state. As a member of the trans community, that fight has now taken on renewed urgency. “This is...
  • After massacres, a bipartisan agenda on firearms is urgently needed

    During his presidency, Barack Obama made no secret of his frustration over what had become a macabre ritual: in the aftermath of yet another callous shooting massacre, Obama was heading home to call for legislative changes, but the tragedies and the words of the president fell on deaf ears...
  • Experto: La educación cívica es más necesaria ahora que nunca

    Durante el fin de semana, las comunidades de Iowa celebraron el 21º aniversario de los ataques del 11 de septiembre. Desde esos eventos históricos, la tensión política se ha intensificado, y algunos dicen que poner más énfasis en la educación cívica podría volver a enfocar el debate respetuoso e...
  • Expert: Civics Education Needed Now More Than Ever

    Over the weekend, communities in Iowa observed the 21st anniversary of the 9-11 attacks. Since those historic events, political tension has escalated, and some say placing more emphasis on civics education could bring respectful and informed debate back into focus. Carisa Corrow is a former teacher and founder of the...
  • Volunteers Needed to Train for Tax Season

    Suzanne Potter California News Service SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Tax day is about six months away, but the AARP Foundation’s Tax-Aide program already is gearing up, recruiting volunteers to help people file their income-tax returns in the spring. Volunteers are not required to have a background in finance, since they’ll...