
  • Cómo capear una tripledemia a nivel nacional

    Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services Una creciente “tripledemia” de COVID-19, gripe y VRS amenaza con sobrecargar un sistema de salud estadounidense que ya está sobrecargado. En una sesión informativa del viernes 5 de enero organizada conjuntamente por Ethnic Media Services y la Fundación Blue Shield of California, expertos médicos...
  • Weathering a Nationwide Tripledemic

    Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services A surging “tripledemic” of COVID-19, flu and RSV threatens to overburden an already burdened U.S. healthcare system. At a Friday, January 5 briefing co-hosted by Ethnic Media Services and Blue Shield of California Foundation, medical experts discussed tripledemic predictions; the newest JN.1 strain of...
  • LA Mayor Pushes Nationwide Conversion of Cities’ Fleets to Electric Vehicles

    Suzanne Potter California News Service SAN FRANCISCO – Six California cities plus Los Angeles County are moving forward with a nationwide plan to transition their fleets to zero-emission vehicles – an announcement made in conjunction with the Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco. The Climate Mayors’ group includes...