
  • La ley de vivienda más controversial de California podría renovarse

    Ben Christopher CalMatters Durante los últimos dos años, el “remedio del constructor” ha sido el adolescente rebelde de las leyes de vivienda de California. La ley, que pasa por alto las regulaciones de zonificación y siembra angustia entre los funcionarios electos locales, permite a los desarrolladores construir todo lo...
  • California’s most controversial housing law could get a makeover

    Ben Christopher CalMatters For the last two years the “builder’s remedy” has been the unruly teenager of California housing laws. Running roughshod over zoning regulations while sowing angst among local elected officials, the law lets developers build as much as they like, wherever they like, in cities and counties...
  • Descubre 5 formas económicas de aprovechar al máximo el verano

    ¡El verano está a la vuelta de la esquina! Como los niños están de vacaciones, es el momento perfecto para planificar un viaje o dos, y pasar tiempo de calidad juntos y en familia. Sin embargo, las vacaciones familiares pueden ser bastante caras. La reserva de habitaciones de hotel,...
  • Discover 5 affordable ways to make the most of summer

    Summer is just around the corner! With the kids out of school, it’s the perfect time to plan a trip or two and spend quality time together as a family. However, family vacations can get pretty pricey. With booking hotel rooms, flights and more, a summer trip can put...
  • Thousands of CA Children Losing Medi-Cal Each Month; Most Still Eligible

    Over the coming year about 2.3 million Californians, a million of them children, are expected to lose Medi-Cal, which is health insurance coverage for low-income families – as the state redetermines all enrollees’ eligibility after the pandemic. In June alone, 225,000 people were disenrolled from the program, including 64,000...
  • Cómo el condado más caluroso de California lucha contra el calor extremo

    Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services La semana pasada se registró la temperatura global más alta de la historia, según los Centros Nacionales de Predicción Medioambiental de Estados Unidos. Pero mientras el calor extremo azota a cada vez más regiones de Estados Unidos, en el condado de Imperial sigue siendo...
  • How CA’s Hottest and Most Latino County is Fighting Extreme Heat

    Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services This past week saw the hottest global temperature ever recorded, according to the US National Centers for Environmental Prediction. But while extreme heat hits ever-new regions of the United States, in Imperial County it remains par for the course. The region, located on California’s...
  • Why do most Latinos disapprove of Joe Biden?

    Nearly a year ago, during the annual meeting of UnidosUS – the largest Latino advocacy group – First Lady Jill Biden sparked controversy when she compared the uniqueness of Latinos to tacos. Although a timely apology from the White House dispelled the controversy, Biden’s disconnect with the Latino electorate...
  • What are the most interesting new laws for California in 2023?

    In 2022, the California Legislature passed nearly 1,200 bills — and nearly 1,000 became law with Gov. Gavin Newsom’s signature. Many of the new laws are minor fixes to laws that legislators and the governor previously enacted. Others are rather narrow or specific to a certain industry. Still others will be phased...