Durante el Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispanoamericana, los expertos financieros se pronuncian para ayudar a las familias latinas a generar riqueza. Los datos federales muestran que más de una cuarta parte de los consumidores latinos en Estados Unidos no tienen historial crediticio reciente, lo que los hace “crédito...
During National Hispanic American Heritage Month, financial experts are speaking out to help Latino families build wealth. Federal data show that more than a quarter of Latino consumers in the U.S. have no recent credit history, making them “credit invisible” and unlikely to qualify for a loan. Jorge Lopez Colunga,...
Adam Echelman CalMatters Más de un año después de que los colegios comunitarios de California recibieran $650 millones en dinero de ayuda estatal por el COVID-19, las escuelas han gastado menos del 20% de ese dinero. Las universidades dicen que necesitan desesperadamente el dinero, pero que se muestran reacias...
Adam Echelman CalMatters More than a year after California community colleges received $650 million in state COVID-19 relief money, schools have spent less than 20% of it. Colleges say they desperately need the money, but that they are reluctant to spend it because of ongoing uncertainty surrounding the state’s...
Mikhail Zinshteyn CalMatters Cada año, más de 35.000 estudiantes indocumentados que sueñan con obtener un título universitario en California solicitan el programa de ayuda financiera del estado, el Cal Grant, pero sólo alrededor de un tercio lo reciben. Sin acceso a ayuda financiera federal y pocas oportunidades laborales, perder...
Mikhail Zinshteyn CalMatters Each year more than 35,000 undocumented students with dreams of earning a college degree in California apply for the state’s marquee financial aid program, the Cal Grant — but only about a third receive it. With no access to federal financial aid and few work opportunities, losing out on state dollars...
Carolyn Jones CalMatters A medida que el fondo de California para arreglar las escuelas en ruinas se reduce a nada, los legisladores están negociando entre bastidores para elaborar una medida electoral que sería el bono de construcción de escuelas más grande del estado en décadas. Pero algunos superintendentes escolares...
Carolyn Jones CalMatters As California’s fund to fix crumbling schools dwindles to nothing, lawmakers are negotiating behind the scenes to craft a ballot measure that would be the state’s largest school construction bond in decades. But some beleaguered school superintendents say the money will not be nearly enough to...
California is sending money directly to millions of residents to help with rising costs and high gas prices. The payments, which started going out Oct. 7, range from $200 to $1,050, depending on income and other factors. About 18 million payments will be distributed over the next few months, benefiting...