
  • Earthtalk Q&A: Capturar El Gas Metano Del Ganado

    Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk La captura de metano, el proceso de utilizar la descomposición de los subproductos del ganado como el estiércol de vaca y cerdo para generar electricidad, es una tecnología prometedora. Ayuda a resolver los males existentes y por el momento, necesarios, como las emisiones...
  • Earthtalk Q&A: Capture Methane Gas From Livestock

    Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk   Methane capture, the process of using the decomposition of livestock byproducts like cow and hog manure to generate electricity, is a promising technology. It helps to resolve existing, and for the time being, necessary evils such as climate-warming methane emissions from cattle...
  • Groups Sue to Keep Methane Waste Rule

    Suzanne Potter California News Service SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Two new lawsuits have been filed in federal court to stop the Trump administration from deep-sixing rules meant to reduce pollution, fight climate change and preserve public resources. A dozen conservation groups and the state attorneys general of California and New Mexico filed suit on...
  • Aging Gas Fields, Leaks are Common

    Public Meeting about SoCal Methane Leaks Surprising Suzanne Potter / California News Service Conservation groups say the massive ongoing methane leak in southern California is a problem that could easily repeat itself at any of the 413 aging natural-gas storage reservoirs around the country. Methane gas has been leaking since...