Mejorar el acceso a una atención primaria de alta calidad es una de las mejores cosas que podemos hacer para mejorar la salud en Estados Unidos. La atención primaria mejora casi todos los aspectos de la salud y es la única forma de atención sanitaria en la que una...
Improving access to high-quality primary care is one of the best things we can do to improve health in America. Primary care improves nearly every measure of health and is the only form of health care where greater supply results in better health for more people. In fact, according to the U.S. Department...
Arturo Hilario El Observador 100 years is a long time, especially in mouse years. Ninety-nine years and counting have passed since Walt Disney Animation Studios began as The Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio on October 16, 1923 in a small office in Los Angeles for around $10 in rent. The...
Shelly Palmer What’s really new at CES® 2018? This year, CES will be a gathering of professionals from almost every industry. Together they will architect the technological evolution of human interaction and communication. CES has transcended its “consumer electronics show” initialism, and now it tells a story of innovation unlike...
Shelly Palmer We have questions: Can self-driving cars ever be safe? How dangerous is Alexa? Will artificial intelligence (AI) take my job? Do cryptocurrencies empower terrorists? Can a cardiac pacemaker be hacked? We have concerns: Fake news, fake ads, fake accounts, bots, foreign governments interfering with our elections …...
Shelly Palmer My monthly “new iPhone every year” payment just joined my cable bill, my water bill, and my electric bill as grudge expenses. I hate paying them because the companies charge more and more for the same stuff, and there’s nothing I can do about it. Apple promised...