Ante el deterioro de la salud mental de los jóvenes, California ha puesto en marcha una nueva iniciativa para ayudarles a acceder a tratamiento gratuito. La Iniciativa de salud mental infantil y juvenil, Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI), que cuenta con más de 4 mil millones de...
With youth mental health worsening, California has launched a new initiative to help kids access free treatment. The over $4 billion Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI), part of Governor Newsom’s Master Plan For Kids’ Mental Health announced in 2022, aims to fight the youth mental health crisis...
Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services California tiene 33 millones de acres de tierras forestales; Para los 4 millones de estos que están altamente administrados, el Departamento de Silvicultura y Protección contra Incendios de California (CAL FIRE) ha lanzado la Iniciativa de Empleos en el Sector Forestal de California para...
Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services As California’s wildlife crisis deepens amid forester job shortages, the state has launched a new initiative to build up its forestry ranks. California has 33 million acres of forest land; for the 4 million of these that are highly managed, the California Department of...
Un sistema de energía solar en el techo recién instalado ayudará a la Clínica Gratuita de Simi Valley a mantener sus puertas abiertas y las luces encendidas para los pacientes desfavorecidos de la zona. Las instalaciones del condado de Ventura atienden anualmente a más de 10,000 residentes de bajos...
A newly installed rooftop solar power system will help the Free Clinic of Simi Valley keep its doors open and the lights on for the area’s disadvantaged patients. The Ventura County facility annually serves more than 10,000 uninsured or underinsured, low-income residents. Funding for the project was provided through a grant...
If congressional Republicans’ plans come to fruition before the end of the year, the migrant community will receive one of the most unpleasant Christmas “gifts” in recent history. This is the bill HR 5283, which has been used by Republicans as a spearhead in their closed-door negotiations with Democrats,...
Tres iniciativas electorales propuestas que afectan a estudiantes transgénero se encuentran ahora en la etapa de recolección de firmas en California. El grupo Protect Kids California dijo que planea combinarlos para tratar de incluir una gran medida en la boleta electoral el próximo otoño. Una propuesta impediría que las...
Three proposed ballot initiatives affecting transgender students are now in the signature-gathering stage in California. The group Protect Kids California said it is planning to combine them, to try to get one big measure on the ballot next fall. One proposal would prevent transgender girls from competing on girls’ sports...