Los defensores de las familias de acogida están presionando a los legisladores para que salven el Sistema de Respuesta Urgente Familiar del corte presupuestario. California enfrenta un déficit de $37.9 mil millones y la propuesta inicial del gobernador Gavin Newsom reduce a cero el presupuesto de $30 millones del...
Advocates for foster families are pressing lawmakers to save the Family Urgent Response System from the budget ax. California faces a $37.9 billion deficit and Gov. Gavin Newsom’s initial proposal zeros out the program’s $30 million budget. Susanna Kniffen, senior director of child welfare policy for the nonprofit Children Now, said the program provides a...
Fremont, CA – Bay Area Community Health (BACH) is excited to bring families together again at the informative, entertaining, and free Ohana Health Fair. Ohana means “family” in Hawaiian. The Fairs will be hosted from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. on consecutive Saturdays in two locations: Glen View Elementary...