

    AMAZON                    Road House stars Jake Gyllenhaal as Dalton, an ex-UFC fighter trying to escape his dark past and his penchant for violence, in this adrenaline-fueled actioner. Dalton is barely scraping by on the reputation that still precedes him when he...
  • La falsa teoría jurídica detrás del negacionismo electoral del presidente de la Cámara de Representantes, Johnson

    Peter Schurmann Ethnic Media Services En una entrevista con Face the Nation el fin de semana pasado, el presidente republicano de la Cámara de Representantes, Mike Johnson, repitió la afirmación falsa de que las elecciones de 2020 fueron inconstitucionales. La declaración de Johnson, que forma parte de una actual...
  • The Bogus Legal Theory Behind House Speaker Johnson’s Election Denialism

    Peter Schurmann Ethnic Media Services In an interview with Face the Nation this past weekend, Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson repeated the false claim that the 2020 election was unconstitutional. Johnson’s statement, part of an ongoing campaign of election denialism by Republican lawmakers to cast doubt on the legitimacy...
  • L.A.’s new homeless solution clears camps but struggles to house people

    Marisa Kendall CalMatters Tents, makeshift shacks and broken-down RVs crowded both sidewalks under a U.S. Highway 101 overpass in Hollywood seven months ago. More than two-dozen people lived in the squalid encampment, feet from cars flying past. Neighbors and nearby businesses fumed, saying they and their customers felt unsafe....
  • California legislators want to help you buy a house with down payment, ‘shared equity’

    First-time buyers often rely on family gifts to afford the down payments on their homes. Now California Legislators want the government to fill the role of generous relative. Lawmakers are proposing creating a billion-dollar fund in this year’s state budget that would provide California’s first-time buyers either all of...
  • 4 tips to help you secure your mortgage

    Owning a home is the cornerstone of the American dream. There’s nothing like having a permanent plot of land you can call your own. If you’ve hit a rough patch with your credit score, this dream might feel like it’s out of reach. However, finding a suitable mortgage with...
  • 4 consejos para ayudarte a asegurar tu hipoteca

    Tener una casa propia es la piedra angular del sueño americano. No hay nada como tener un terreno permanente al que puedes decir tuyo. Si estás teniendo problemas con tu calificación crediticia, podrías sentir que este sueño está fuera de tu alcance. Sin embargo, encontrar una hipoteca apropiada con...
  • Tierra Talk: Preguntas y respuestas

    Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk Es cierto que muchos productos de limpieza comunes para el hogar contienen químicos sintéticos que pueden enfermar a los habitantes de su hogar. El Grupo de Trabajo Ambiental (EWG, por sus siglas en inglés) sin fines de lucro examinó las listas de ingredientes...
  • EarthTalk Q&A

    Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk It’s true that many common household cleaning products contain synthetic chemicals that can make the inhabitants of your home sick. The non-profit Environmental Working Group (EWG) looked into the ingredients lists of more than 2,000 cleaning supplies commonly available on store shelves across...