
  • Los defensores de la lucha contra el hambre buscan fondos federales y honran a un legislador de California

    Los grupos que luchan contra el hambre están pidiendo un cambio justo en el próximo proyecto de ley agrícola, que proporciona fondos federales de contrapartida para programas que ayudan a las familias de bajos ingresos a comprar productos frescos. El programa Market Match ofrece a las personas de Cal...
  • Anti-hunger advocates seek federal funds, honor CA lawmaker

    Groups that fight hunger are calling for a fair shake in the upcoming farm bill, which provides federal matching funds for programs that help low-income families afford fresh produce. The Market Match program gives people on Cal Fresh about $15 per market per day to spend at 270 sites across...
  • Why should all Latinos honor Black History Month?

    February is Black History Month and even though Afro-Latino communities existed even before the founding of the United States, they have often been omitted as part of their historical memory. In Latin America alone, it is estimated that between 20% and 30% of the population is Afro. The Afro...
  • How to honor Hispanics?

    Like every year, the United States will toast Hispanic Heritage Month with margaritas and mariachis. We will read proclamations issued from the marble buildings of the White House and the Capitol, extolling the undeniable contributions of Hispanics to the economy, health and culture of this country. In Washington, for...
  • Diputados proponen nuevo Monumento Nacional en honor a Cesar Chavez

    El Congreso está considerando un nuevo proyecto de ley para establecer un parque histórico nacional en honor al organizador sindical César Chávez y el movimiento de trabajadores agrícolas que dirigió. El nuevo parque incluiría el monumento nacional existente en Keene, además del sitio de la primera sede en Delano...