California leads the country in deaths from heart disease, losing over 65,000 individuals from the condition in 2021, beating out cancer and a slew of other major health issues as the leading cause of death. High blood pressure (also known as hypertension), which can lead to heart disease, is...
Si bien la actividad de COVID-19 está aún por debajo de los niveles vistos el año pasado en la misma época, las hospitalizaciones por COVID-19 están aumentando rápidamente. Todavía hay tiempo para que usted y sus seres queridos se vacunen. Ponerse una vacuna contra el COVID-19 actualizada es la...
While COVID-19 activity is still below the levels seen last year at this time, COVID-19 hospitalizations are rising quickly. There is still time to get yourself and your loved ones vaccinated. Getting an updated COVID-19 vaccine is the best way to stay protected against serious illness from COVID-19. The...
La neumonía neumocócica puede alterar su vida durante semanas y, en algunos casos, ser grave incluso potencialmente mortal. A fin de ayudar a los adultos a comprender cómo pueden protegerse contra la neumonía neumocócica, la American Lung Association y Pfizer se han asociado para compartir información importante y conocimientos...
Pneumococcal pneumonia can disrupt your life for weeks and, in some cases, be serious or even life-threatening. To help adults understand how they can help protect themselves against pneumococcal pneumonia, the American Lung Association and Pfizer are partnering to share important information and patient insights about the disease. The...
Kristen Hwang CalMatters Otra ola de COVID-19 está golpeando a California justo ahora que termina el verano y los niños regresan a la escuela. Es una historia ya conocida, pero que quizás se ha vuelto más confusa con el tiempo debido a los cambios en las recomendaciones de salud...
Kristen Hwang CalMatters Another COVID-19 wave is hitting California as the summer ends and kids head back to school. It’s a familiar story by now, but one that has become perhaps more confusing with time because of changing public health recommendations, new vaccine boosters and our evolving understanding of...
Seguir una dieta vegana no solo reduce el impacto personal en el medio ambiente, sino que está asociado con una variedad de beneficios para la salud, por lo que no sorprende que un movimiento de alimentos a base de plantas esté en aumento. “Con más de 100,000 búsquedas mensuales...
Following a vegan diet doesn’t just reduce one’s impact on the environment, it’s associated with a range of health benefits, making it no surprise that a plant-based food movement is on the rise. “With more than 100,000 internet searches per month for ‘vegan recipes’ and ‘vegetarian recipes,’ it’s clear...