A medida que se acerca Halloween, las temperaturas más frías se extenderán por todo el país, pero los expertos en clima dijeron que el cambio climático está haciendo que las noches de octubre en ciertas áreas se sientan más cálidas la mayor parte del tiempo. Un nuevo análisis de...
As Halloween approaches, cooler temperatures will spread over the country, but weather experts said climate change is making October nights in certain areas feel warmer more often than not. A new analysis from the nonprofit Climate Central said fall evening temperatures in the U.S. have warmed by nearly two degrees on...
StatePoint Halloween may be the spookiest night of the year, but it’s the prices for costumes and decorations that are scarier than any vampire (and they’ll drain your wallet even faster). This year, Americans plan to spend $3.2 billion on Halloween costumes and $2.7 billion on decorations, with the...
Family Features Candy, pumpkins and costumes are some of the most popular traditions of the Halloween season. This year, rather than searching store aisles for the perfect getup, consider using boxes from your latest deliveries and other items you have on-hand to create a one-of-a-kind DIY costume, or “boxtume.”...
Rebecca Harpster Golden Gate Better Business Bureau Halloween es la segunda más grande evento de compras del año, y eso significa que las empresas inescrupulosas tienen una oportunidad de aprovechar a los compradores. En un apuro por comprar un disfraz o decorar la casa, los consumidores pueden perder dinero....
Rebecca Harpster Golden Gate Better Business Bureau Halloween is the second largest shopping holiday of the year, which means unscrupulous businesses have plenty of opportunity to cash in. In the rush to purchase a costume or decorate the house, consumers can miss red flags. This Halloween, watch out for...
Hilbert Morales EL OBSERVADOR Halloween will be celebrated on Tuesday, October 31, 2017; the next day, Wednesday, November 1st, 2017 is ‘All Soul’s Day’ followed by Thursday, November 2nd, 2017, ‘All Saint’s Day’. These celebrations are rooted in humankind’s primordial development. Consider remembering your dead antecedents; their souls; and...
Pan de Muerto de Dulce de Leche Ingredientes • 1 paquete (7 gramos) de levadura en polvo • 1/2 taza de agua tibia (100-110° F) • 1/2 taza de Dulce de Leche LA LECHERA de NESTLÉ • 1/2 taza (1 barra) de mantequilla sin sal • 1 cucharadita de...