Al crecer como el hijo menor de cuatro, Fernando Gómez a menudo pasaba el tiempo viendo a sus dos hermanos mayores jugar los videojuegos Metal Gear Solid y Final Fantasy mientras estaba sentado con las piernas cruzadas en la cama de su hermano. Los juegos “nos unieron un poco”,...
Growing up as the youngest child of four, Fernando Gomez would often pass the time by watching his two older brothers play the video games Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy while sitting cross-legged on his brother’s bed. Gaming “kind of brought us together,” Gomez said. It also inspired...
Roddy Scheer y Doug Moss EarthTalk En resumen, el gran crecimiento en los juegos y la ineficiencia de las consolas de los principales fabricantes como Microsoft y Sony, ha llevado a un aumento en la demanda de electricidad asociada con el disfrute de Fortnite, Minecraft, Roblox y otras plataformas...
Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk In short, the huge growth in gaming, and the inefficiency of the consoles from the major manufacturers like Microsoft and Sony, has led to a surge in electricity demand associated with kids’ enjoyment of Fortnite, Minecraft, Roblox and other popular gaming platforms....
Las carreras en la industria de los videojuegos son muy deseables y por buenas razones. Trabajar para una compañía de videojuegos puede ser gratificante e igualmente importante, convierte un pasatiempo favorito en una carrera emocionante. Sin embargo, para las jugadoras adolescentes y adolescentes, la posibilidad de algún día trabajar...
Careers in the video game industry are highly desirable, and for good reason. Working for a video game company can be rewarding, and equally important, turns a favorite pastime into an exciting career. However, for tween and teen girl gamers, the prospect of one day working in the video...
Eric Tegethoff Public News Service SEATTLE – A psychiatrist in Washington State says it’s important that the World Health Organization is recognizing online gaming addiction as a disorder, but more research is needed to fully understand and treat it. The American Psychiatric Association has yet to recognize gaming disorder, noting that...
Parker Lynch El Observador With recent big franchise releases like “Mass Effect: Andromeda” and “Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare” turning out to be more of flops than their developers might have hoped, gamers are clamoring for something actually fun to play. Companies all too often expect you to shell...
Shelly Palmer Augmented Reality (AR) is not new, but thanks to Pokémon Go it is newly relevant. The game has broken every record for adoption, users, and time spent, and it has given Nintendo a much-needed boost in both buzz and market cap – oh, and it’s super-fun to...