California ranks 37th out of 48 states for spending on K-12 education – according to a new report from Rutgers University, the University of Miami, and the nonprofit Albert Shanker Institute. The annual School Finance Indicators Database found that California is spending more than 14% less than it did before the...
Los puntajes de las pruebas estandarizadas y las tasas de graduación de los estudiantes afroamericanos han estado muy por detrás de los de sus compañeros blancos y asiáticos. Durante décadas, los educadores y los legisladores han tratado de cerrar esa brecha de rendimiento, y una propuesta de financiamiento escolar en...
Joe Hong CalMatters Black students’ standardized test scores and graduation rates have long trailed those of their white and Asian peers. For decades, educators and legislators have tried to close that achievement gap, and a school funding proposal in Gov. Gavin Newsom’s new budget illustrates just how difficult it is...
In the wake of the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, Crisis Pregnancy Centers are drawing more scrutiny. In June, California Attorney General Rob Bonta warned the centers advertise reproductive health care services, but their true mission is to dissuade people from seeking an abortion. Stephanie Peng, senior manager...
A coalition of domestic violence (DV) organizations in California are advocating to continue $15 million for domestic violence prevention, a grant that was left out of the proposed budget introduced by Governor Gavin Newsom May 13. The state Legislature, which is expected to announce its final budget on June...
Lideres en educación de todo el estado están debatiendo los méritos de un proyecto de ley para cambiar la forma en que se financian las escuelas en California. El Proyecto de Ley del Senado 830, presentado por el Superintendente de Escuelas del Estado, Tony Thurmond, detendría el sistema actual de...
Leaders in education across the state are debating the merits of a bill to change the way schools in California are funded. Senate Bill 830, introduced by State Superintendent of Schools Tony Thurmond, would stop the current system of funding schools based on average daily attendance (ADA) and count...
Roz Brown Public News Service ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Homelessness has been on the rise in New Mexico over the past two years, and efforts to turn that around will receive attention on several fronts in 2019. The state has the highest number of people experiencing chronic homelessness in the...
Suzanne Potter California News Service SAN DIEGO, Calif. – If Congress doesn’t act by September 30 – the nation’s nearly 1,300 community health centers will lose 70 percent of their funding. This issue will be front and center for thousands of patients, providers and advocates at the annual Community...