Nigel Duara CalMatters Ken Pritchett hace clic con el mouse y el logotipo de un departamento de policía del sur de California aparece en un monitor de computadora del ancho de sus hombros. Otro clic y la imagen cambia a un mapa tridimensional. Una flecha naranja brillante indica la dirección en la que...
Nigel Duara CalMatters Ken Pritchett clicks his mouse and the logo of a Southern California police department pops up on a computer monitor the width of his shoulders. Another click and the image flips to a three-dimensional map. A glowing orange arrow indicates the direction a man ran as...
This July 4th marks nearly 250 years since the United States declared its independence, setting the country on a path to establishing its democracy. But some feel the state of U.S. democracy needs close examination. Lindsay Schubiner is with the Portland-based organization Western States Center. She is the director of...
Los defensores LGBTQ se están enfocando en palabras de aliento para los jóvenes que son homosexuales, luego de la aprobación del proyecto de ley “Derechos de los padres en la educación” en Florida. Apodado el proyecto de ley “No digas gay” por los críticos, limitaría lo que se ensena sobre orientación...
LGBTQ advocates are turning their focus to encouraging words for young people who are gay, following passage of Florida’s “Parental Rights in Education” bill. Dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill by critics, it would limit what is taught about sexual orientation and gender identity in classrooms, and ban it “in...