Carolyn Jones CalMatters A medida que el fondo de California para arreglar las escuelas en ruinas se reduce a nada, los legisladores están negociando entre bastidores para elaborar una medida electoral que sería el bono de construcción de escuelas más grande del estado en décadas. Pero algunos superintendentes escolares...
Carolyn Jones CalMatters As California’s fund to fix crumbling schools dwindles to nothing, lawmakers are negotiating behind the scenes to craft a ballot measure that would be the state’s largest school construction bond in decades. But some beleaguered school superintendents say the money will not be nearly enough to...
Los puntajes de las pruebas estandarizadas y las tasas de graduación de los estudiantes afroamericanos han estado muy por detrás de los de sus compañeros blancos y asiáticos. Durante décadas, los educadores y los legisladores han tratado de cerrar esa brecha de rendimiento, y una propuesta de financiamiento escolar en...
Joe Hong CalMatters Black students’ standardized test scores and graduation rates have long trailed those of their white and Asian peers. For decades, educators and legislators have tried to close that achievement gap, and a school funding proposal in Gov. Gavin Newsom’s new budget illustrates just how difficult it is...
Paula Cortez Medrano has worked in the agriculture industry since she arrived in the U.S. over 25 years ago. She has labored in the heat of Fresno summers, picking onions, tomatoes, grapes, and garlic and in the freezing temperatures of local produce packing houses, where she would wear two...
California wants to lure all 4-year-olds to public schools within the next four years. But will there be enough teachers there to meet them? School districts across the state are scrambling to hire an estimated 11,000 teachers and 25,000 teacher assistants to expand transitional kindergarten. It’s a tall order...
Even though I know a vegetarian diet is better for the environment, I love cheeseburgers and a good steak every now and then. If I stick to grass-fed beef, can I live with myself environmentally? — Jeanine Smith, Hixson, TN Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk Yes and no,...