SACRAMENTO – El Departamento de Servicios para Adultos Mayores de California (CDA por sus siglas en Inglés) se enorgullece en reconocer el mes de noviembre como Mes Nacional de Cuidadores de Familia. Es un momento para honrar y apoyar a las millones de personas que cuidan a sus seres...
SACRAMENTO – The California Department of Aging (CDA) is proud to recognize November as National Family Caregivers Month, a time to honor and support the millions of individuals who provide care for their loved ones. This year, CDA continues its commitment to enhancing caregiver well-being by providing essential tools...
Yue Stella Yu & Sameea Kamal CalMatters Lisamaría Martínez no está segura de cuándo votó en persona por última vez. Pero recuerda las botas que usó ese día: sus “fabulosas”, nuevas botas azul marino con tacones gruesos, que le provocaron ampollas en su caminata de una milla de largo...
Yue Stella Yu & Sameea Kamal CalMatters Lisamaria Martinez isn’t sure when she last voted in person. But she remembers the boots she wore that day — her “fabulous,” new navy blue boots with chunky heels, which gave her blisters on her mile-long walk back home from the polling...
Cuando Christopher McGeever tenía 22 años, ya no podía acceder a los servicios educativos disponibles para él y necesitaba inscribirse en otro programa para adultos con discapacidades. Hay varios centros de cuidado diurno en la comunidad de San José donde vive. Pero cuando su madre, Laura, llamó para inscribirlo,...
When Christopher McGeever was 22, he aged out of the educational services available to him and needed to enroll in another program for adults with disabilities. There are several daytime caregiving facilities in the San Jose community where he lives. But when his mother, Laura, called to enroll him,...
Un programa lanzado recientemente está diseñado para ayudar a los estudiantes con discapacidades de escuelas secundarias y colegios comunitarios de California a identificar sus intereses profesionales, desarrollar habilidades listas para trabajar y conseguir experiencias remuneradas con empleadores locales. Career Launchpad – de la organización de desarrollo laboral Institute for...
A recently launched program is designed to help California high school and community college students with disabilities identify their career interests, develop work-ready skills, and land paid experiences with local employers. Career Launchpad – from workforce development organization Institute for Workplace Skills and Innovation (IWSI America) and the California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) –...
Graduation season is in full swing, and for those with disabilities transitioning to adulthood, traditional barriers still exist in securing employment. Advocates in Iowa say entrepreneurship serves as a good solution. The Bureau of Labor Statistics said nearly 10% of workers with a disability are self-employed, which is higher than the...