
  • Why You Should Avoid DIY Dental Trends

    DIY activities, like swapping a lighting fixture or painting your living room, are popular ways to accomplish your to-do list. But as anyone who has tackled too big of a project knows, some jobs are best left to the professionals. That includes your dental health. You may have already...
  • Lista de pendientes para el regreso a clases: Exámenes médicos, dentales, auditivos y de la vista

    A medida que los niños regresan a la escuela en California, los expertos instaron a los padres a que los lleven a un examen físico y también a que les revisen la audición, la vista y los dientes. Un estudio del Urban Institute encontró que casi uno de cada...
  • Your Back-to-School To-Do List: Medical, Dental, Hearing and Vision Tests

    As children head back to school in California, experts urged parents to bring them in for a physical and get their hearing, vision, and teeth checked as well. A study from the Urban Institute found almost one in five parents delayed or skipped their children’s’ preventive visits during the pandemic, so...
  • Medi-Cal Coverage to Smile About

    NAPS More than a third of Californians receive health care through Medi-Cal, and while most members know that dental coverage is included, many do not use the benefit. The Medi-Cal Dental Program is working to change that with Smile, California, a new campaign to increase dental visits among eligible...