Los sobrevivientes del crimen se están pronunciando en contra de la Proposición 36, que se presentara a los votantes en Noviembre. La medida electoral aumentaría las penas para algunos delitos de robo y drogas, y desharía partes de la Proposición 47, que tomo ahorros provenientes de la reducción del encarcelamiento...
Survivors of crime are speaking out against Proposition 36, which goes before California voters in November. The ballot measure would increase penalties for some theft and drug crimes – and undo parts of Proposition 47, which took savings from decreased incarceration and put the money into harm-reduction programs. Tinisch Hollins,...
Sunita Sohrabji Ethnic Media Services A young Thai American bartender, who was pepper-sprayed as suspects yelled “Go back to your country,” believes she was victimized twice: once during the attack, and then again at the San Francisco District Attorney’s office, which refused to charge the incident as a hate...
Los delitos contra la propiedad en California están cerca de mínimos históricos, según las últimas estadísticas del Departamento de Justicia de California. Un nuevo informe del Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice encuentra que los delitos contra la propiedad han disminuido un 53% en todo el estado desde 2005 y un...
Property crime in California is near record lows, according to the latest statistics from the California Department of Justice. A new report from the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice finds property crime is down 53% statewide since 2005, and 16% since 2009, when criminal justice reforms began to take effect....
Yue Stella Yu CalMatters To counter recent legislation that would step up penalties on petty crimes, a group of progressive state lawmakers this morning offered a rival approach, focusing instead on more services for offenders and survivors of crimes. They are backing a new legislative package — dubbed “#SmartSolutions” — to address...
Programs intended to reduce the chances that someone will end up back behind bars are working, according to a new analysis of California state data. A new report finds that people who participated in a social program funded by Proposition 47 had a recidivism rate of 15.3% compared with 35% to...
A new report from The Sentencing Project debunks the myth of a post-pandemic crime wave fueled by young people. In March, Congress held a hearing about a spike in carjackings in big cities, but the data actually show a drop in overall robberies by youths in 2020, and a drop in...
Confidentiality protections are expanded in SB 157 to prevent revealing identifying characteristics in court cases Sacramento – Senator Bob Wieckowski’s (D-Fremont) bill to enhance privacy protections for victims of cyber retaliation (revenge porn) who are using a pseudonym in their court case was signed into law this week by Governor...