Kristen Hwang CalMatters California’s hospital system is in danger of collapse as skyrocketing COVID-19 cases, severely ill patients and sick staff push hospitals past their capabilities, the California Hospital Association warned today. Hospitals are expecting COVID-19-positive patients to triple by the end of the month, with admissions peaking in...
El sistema hospitalario de California está en peligro de colapsar a medida que los casos de COVID-19 se disparan, los pacientes gravemente enfermos y el personal enfermo empujan a los hospitales más allá de sus capacidades, advierte la Asociación de Hospitales de California. Los hospitales esperan que los pacientes...
When Rebecca Santucci of Lakewood learned that her sister, Stacy, may have been exposed to COVID-19, she set out to look for a rapid test. She needed to know quickly whether their 88-year-old father was at risk. Pharmacies had been wiped out of home test kits, and testing clinics...
Cuando Rebecca Santucci de Lakewood se enteró de que su hermana, Stacy, pudo haber estado expuesta al COVID-19, se dispuso a buscar una prueba rápida. Necesitaba saber rápidamente si su padre de 88 años estaba en riesgo. Las farmacias se habían quedado sin kits de prueba en el hogar...
En Los Ángeles, un paciente gravemente enfermo tiene que esperar por un nuevo pulmón después de que se cancelara su trasplante, programado para el pasado viernes. En San Diego, la semana pasada se suspendió la cirugía cerebral para aliviar el dolor crónico de una niña de 7 años. En...
In Los Angeles, a severely ill patient has to wait for a new lung after his transplant, scheduled for last Friday, was canceled. In San Diego, brain surgery to ease the chronic pain of a 7-year-old girl was called off last week. In Arcadia, as many as 60 patients...
Juhi Doshi, Emily Forschen, Itzel Luna, Bernard Mendez, Oden Taylor, Steven Vargas and Stephanie Zappelli CalMatters De vuelta a la vida normal, o algo así. Con las vacunas COVID-19 ampliamente disponibles, las universidades de California dieron la bienvenida a los estudiantes para una combinación de clases presenciales y en...
Back to normal life — sort of. With COVID-19 vaccines widely available, California colleges welcomed students back for a mix of in-person and online classes this fall. After months of studying virtually from childhood bedrooms and other remote locations, students could once again ask questions of professors face to...
In order to defeat the COVID-19 pandemic, which threatens to last indefinitely as a result of the emergence of new variants such as Omicron, scientists and public policy planners have reached an unavoidable conclusion: It is not only necessary to neutralize the virus, but to confront the fearsome “infodemic”...