
  • EarthTalk Q&A: Greenest Tech Companies

    Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk As global demand for sustainable practices intensifies, the race among major tech companies to adopt green practices has become highly competitive. Many tech giants, including Microsoft, Apple and Google are pursuing demanding sustainability goals. Microsoft has set the most ambitious target: to run...
  • Companies establish standards to build trust in artificial intelligence

    Artificial intelligence is growing quickly, so companies such as Google, Amazon, Verizon, Microsoft and more have come together to establish best practices in the field. They seek to foster responsible governance, prioritizing privacy, accountability and benefit to society. Miriam Vogel, president and CEO of the nonprofit Equal AI, just published a...
  • Newsom signs climate bills that force large companies to reveal role and risks in climate change

    Alejandro Lazo CalMatters On October 10 Gov. Gavin Newsom signed two closely-watched, first-in-the-nation bills that will force large companies to disclose their greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change and their financial risks. Newsom approved Senate Bill 261, which requires large companies to biennially report their financial risks from climate change....
  • Entrepreneurship Program Boosts Minority-, Women-Owned Companies

    Traditional business lending is tight these days following a series of recent bank collapses but one program is helping small businesses grow, focusing primarily on women or people of color. The ICA Fund offers a 12-week program called “The Accelerator at ICA” which focuses on strategy for growth, personnel,...

    Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk No es ningún secreto que la crisis climática se está intensificando y el mundo está buscando soluciones. El Panel Intergubernamental sobre el Cambio Climático (IPCC) afirmó en su último informe que nos enfrentamos a un “código rojo” para la humanidad si no somos...

    Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss EarthTalk It’s no secret that the climate crisis is intensifying and the world is looking for solutions. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stated in its latest report that we are facing a “code red” for humanity if we are unable to make...
  • Las “habilidades humanas” de los trabajadores seguirán siendo críticas después de la pandemia

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Los rasgos y capacidades exclusivamente humanos serán más importantes en el panorama laboral posterior al coronavirus, según Jamie Merisotis, autor de un nuevo libro sobre el futuro de la fuerza laboral. Al menos un estudio estima que el 40% de los trabajos que vieron despidos relacionados...
  • Workers’ “Human Skills” Will Still be Critical, Post-Pandemic

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Uniquely human traits and capabilities will be more important in the post-coronavirus work landscape, according to Jamie Merisotis, author of a new book on the future of the workforce. At least one study estimates 40% of jobs that saw COVID-related layoffs aren’t coming back, and Merisotis said the crisis offers...
  • American companies embrace a sustainable future

    Meeting in Paris, delegates from 195 nations ended 2015 by reaching a landmark agreement to make significant efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The historic pact represents a global effort to curb climate change and a move toward widespread investment in zero-carbon energy sources and other sustainable practices. Many...