

    Arturo Hilario El Observador Walt Disney Animation Studios estrenó su primera pelicula completa en 1937 con “Blancanieves y los siete enanitos”. Esa primera película animada de Disney inició un fenómeno cultural de entretenimiento y estilo narrativo que continúa creciendo y diversificándose 84 años después. Ahora la película número 60...

    Arturo Hilario El Observador Walt Disney Animation Studios released its first full-length film in 1937 with “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”. That first Disney Animated film began a cultural phenomenon of entertainment and storytelling style that continues to grow and diversify 84 years later. Now the studios 60th...
  • El gobierno colombiano prefiere la fuerza al diálogo mientras continúan las protestas

    Joshua Collins Ethnic Media Services Bogotá, Colombia – En la vecindad de Soledad, Deisy Paricio enciende velas en una ceremonia conmemorativa por los que han muerto durante los 10 sangrientos días de protesta en Colombia. “Estamos aquí para denunciar las acciones de un régimen criminal”, dice con una determinación...
  • Colombian Government Chooses Force Over Dialogue as Protests Continue

    Joshua Collins Ethnic Media Services Bogotá, Colombia– Deisy Paricio lights candles at a remembrance ceremony in the neighborhood of Soledad for those who have died during 10 bloody days of protest in Colombia. “We’re here to denounce the actions of a criminal regime,” she says, with a cold determination...
  • Maduro breaks off all relations with Colombia

    EFE Caracas – Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced Saturday that he is breaking off all political and diplomatic ties with the Colombian government and gave Colombian officials 24 hours to get out of the country. “My patience is exhausted, I can no longer bear it that the territory of...
  • Colombia wants to improve on previous World Cup performance, Cuadrado says

    EFE Rome – Colombian soccer player Juan Guillermo Cuadrado said Monday May 28 in Milan that the Colombian national team was heading into the World Cup in Russia with the determination to improve on the quarterfinals it reached in Brazil in 2014. “We have a great team, and I...