El 9 de octubre marcó el primer día de votación anticipada en Arizona y ambos candidatos presidenciales expondrán sus argumentos a los votantes. El gobernador Tim Walz, DFL-Minn., candidato demócrata a vicepresidente, asistió a eventos en el área de Phoenix ese día, incluyendo una reunión con líderes tribales de...
October 9 marked the first day of early voting in Arizona and both presidential hopefuls will be making their cases to voters. Gov. Tim Walz, DFL-Minn., the Democratic candidate for vice president, attended events in the Phoenix area on that day, including a meeting with tribal leaders of the...
Kristen Hwang CalMatters Más de 75,000 empleados de Kaiser Permanente abandonaron sus puestos de trabajo la mañana del 4 de octubre, iniciando la huelga de trabajadores de la salud más grande en la historia de Estados Unidos, dijeron funcionarios sindicales. Kaiser y la Coalición de Sindicatos de Kaiser Permanente...
Kristen Hwang CalMatters More than 75,000 Kaiser Permanente employees walked off the job on October 4, initiating the largest health care worker strike in U.S. history, union officials said. Kaiser and the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions were unable to reach a deal during a marathon bargaining session in...
The Republican nightmare in Congress is a great opportunity for moderates to build a bipartisan agenda. The victory will be very expensive for the new president of the House of Representatives, the California Republican Kevin McCarthy. He not only required 15 desperate and dramatic rounds of voting to win...