Plenty of political and social leaders are calling for unity and condemning political violence after this weekend’s assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. However, a University of Nevada, Las Vegas sociologist said he is not too optimistic about the country’s capacity to use this political moment to catalyze...
Less than 24 hours after the overwhelming victory of the first woman elected to the presidency of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum, President Joe Biden called her by phone to congratulate her and the Mexican people. In a historic vote due to its high participation, Mexicans voted overwhelmingly for the continuity...
Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services A year ago, with the end of the federal COVID-19 emergency, California started redetermining eligibility for the one out of three of its residents on Medi-Cal, its version of Medicaid. At a time when many states are using this process to drop Medicaid members...
Suzanne Potter California News Service Un proyecto de ley para otorgar a las ciudades locales la capacidad de regular los vehículos autónomos está recibiendo mucha más atención después de que la Comisión de Servicios Públicos de California decidiera el viernes permitir los robotaxis en las autopistas de Los Ángeles...
Suzanne Potter California News Service A bill to grant local cities the ability to regulate autonomous vehicles is getting a lot more attention after the California Public Utilities Commission decided Friday to allow robotaxis on Los Angeles and San Francisco freeways. The commission granted the company Waymo’s driverless taxi service permission...
Wendy Fry CalMatters Como dijo un voluntario, en San Diego se siente volver a “cero” después de que un centro de recepción de migrantes se quedó sin dinero, lo que llevó a los oficiales federales de la Patrulla Fronteriza a comenzar a dejar a cientos de personas en una estación...
Wendy Fry CalMatters As one volunteer said, it feels back to “zero” in San Diego after a migrant reception center ran out of money, leading federal Border Patrol officers to begin dropping off hundreds of people at a trolley station over the weekend. The so-called “street releases” in San...
Mikhail Zinshteyn CalMatters Un problema técnico está impidiendo que los estudiantes que son ciudadanos estadounidenses (pero cuyos padres no lo son) completen sus solicitudes de ayuda financiera federal, y el problema está causando pánico en California. Para muchos de estos solicitantes de universidades, es una crisis que no sólo...
Mikhail Zinshteyn CalMatters A technical glitch is blocking students who are U.S. citizens — but whose parents aren’t — from completing their federal financial aid applications, and the problem is causing panic in California. For many of these college applicants, it’s a crisis not only preventing them from applying...