• Maneras cotidianas de nutrir su piel este verano

    Family Features Un buen cuidado de la piel no tiene por qué significar rutinas intensivas o cremas humectantes costosas; puede ser tan fácil como adoptar hábitos cotidianos que nutran la piel desde el interior. Mantener su piel sana y brillante comienza con protegerla de los dañinos rayos ultravioleta (UV)...
  • Everyday Ways to Nurture Your Skin This Summer

    Family Features Good skin care doesn’t have to mean intensive routines or expensive moisturizers – it can be as easy as adopting everyday habits that nurture your skin from the inside out. Keeping your skin healthy and glowing begins with protecting it from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays and eating...
  • Quench Your Summer Cravings with Bold, Refreshing Beverages

    In between summer adventures and hot afternoons spent poolside, you’re likely looking to combat rising temperatures with a cool, refreshing beverage. This year, quench your thirst with drinks that play up the trendiness of bold flavors. While many concoctions can help you beat the heat, some gems seem to...
  • Bring Joy Back to Family Meals

    Family Features While meals savored with loved ones are intended to produce smiles and shared moments, the process of grocery shopping, planning and cooking has become a chore for many families. Take the first step toward bringing back the joy and magic of making your favorite foods with tools...
  • Sabroso y saludable: el secreto de la carne magra para un corazón feliz

    Cuando piensas en llevar una dieta saludable para el corazón, ¿te imaginas la carne de res? Es posible que la carne de res no sea un alimento que le venga inmediatamente a la mente cuando piensa en la salud del corazón. Sin embargo, la carne magra es un alimento...
  • Tasty and healthy: Lean beef’s secret to a happy heart

    When you think about eating a heart-healthy diet, do you picture beef? Beef may not be a food that immediately comes to mind when you think heart health. However, lean beef is a nutrient-rich and flavorful food that supports a heart-healthy diet and lifestyle. Numerous research studies have shown...
  • Looking for more flavorful ingredients that are better for you? The search is over

    So, you made a New Year’s resolution to add more better-for-you foods into your daily routine – but have you figured out what those new foods are going to be yet? One of the biggest challenges with improving eating habits is finding great options that you enjoy – this...
  • Recetas rápidas y fáciles para tu plan semanal de comidas

    Family Features Dedicar tiempo a comer juntos puede tener un impacto positivo en el bienestar de las familias, incluidos los niños y adolescentes. De hecho, las comidas regulares en casa pueden ayudar a reducir el estrés y aumentar la autoestima, según una investigación publicada en “Canadian Family Physician”. Las...
  • Quick, Easy Recipes to Add to Your Dinner Rotation

    Family Features Making time for meals together can have a positive impact on the well-being of families, including children and adolescents. In fact, regular meals at home can help reduce stress and boost self-esteem, according to research published in “Canadian Family Physician.” Mealtime conversations are also a perfect opportunity...