The New Year is a wonderful time to not only evaluate your past, but also explore your goals for the year ahead. While it is common that health and fitness resolutions land at the top of people’s list, the truth is that achieving any goal in 2018 is dependent upon good health. Whether planning that bucket list vacation, trying a new hobby or spending more time outdoors, a healthy fitness routine is the backbone of making these goals achievable.
This year, create an attainable health and fitness goal to help you reach all your resolutions.
SilverSneakers, the nation’s leading fitness community for older adults, offers the following tips on how to make resolutions that will help you live life well in 2018:
1. Set a SMART goal: SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Action Oriented, Realistic and Time Bound. “Losing weight” is not a specific measurable goal; instead, say you want to lose 10 pounds in three months. That way, you have something to strive toward and measure against.
2. Start small: If you only focus on an ambitious long-term goal, you may be setting yourself up for failure. It is important to set weekly milestones that allow you to see progress and achieve success early and often.
3. Bring a friend: Knowing that you promised a friend you would join her for that 6 a.m. class keeps you accountable for showing up and doing your best. Having a friend to work out with also makes the experience more enjoyable.
4. Track progress: As you work toward your goals, make sure to track your activities and the progress you make along the way. Whether it be pounds lost or miles ran, it will be encouraging to see where you started and where you are now.
5. Celebrate success: Each milestone toward the end goal should be celebrated. Completing your resolution won’t happen overnight and the journey should be an exciting time as you work toward a healthier you.