Hilbert Morales / EL OBSERVADOR
The following candidate selections and ‘measure’ recommendations are offered using the criteria that ‘elected officials are likely to craft legislation that does the greatest good for the greatest number” using the statuatory standards embodied in the U.S. Constitution. It’s all right to disagree and vote your own personal values and preferences. The best information is the official materials mailed to you by your local county Registrar of Voters. If voting by mail, make plans to mail your ‘Vote by Mail’ ballot on or before June 7th so that it will be postmarked and counted or deliver your ‘Vote by Mail’ ballot to a local poll before 7:00 PM, Tuesday, June 7, 2016. EO’s Publisher Emeritus made the following choices which may result in having elected officials who will do their job with diligence:
President, USA:
Bernie Sanders Or Hillary Clinton
U.S. Senator:
Loretta L. Sanchez U.S. Representative;
District 17: Mike Honda; District 18: Anna G. Eshoo; District 19: Zoe Lofgren; District 20: Jimmy Panetta.CA State Senator, District 13: Jerry Hill; District 15: Jim Beall, District 17: Bill Manning. CA State Assembly, District 24: Marc Berman: Disrict 27: Andres Quintero; District 30: Anna Caballero. Member, Board of Supervisors, District 2: Cindy Chavez; District 5: Joe Simitian
Members, County Central Committee, 24th District (Vote for SIX): Otto Lee: Bill James; Emily Thurber; Bulbert Wong; Alyson L. Abramowitz; Diane Rolfe.
Member, Couty Central Committee, 27th District (Vote for SIX): Juan Navarez; Aimee Escobar; Maya Esperanze; Omar Torres; Claudia Shope; Albert Hernandez.
MEASURE 50: Authorizes Legislature to suspend members, including without salary & benefits: YES
MEASURE AA: San Francisco Bay Restoration; Authorizes $12 per year parcel tax to protect/restore San Francisco Bay: YES
MEASURE A—Santa Clara County Parks: To continue protecting and preservind local parks: YES
CITY OF SAN JOSE, CITY COUNCIL SELECTIONS: District 2: Sergio Jimenez; District 4: Manh Nguyen; District 6: Peter Allen; District 8: Sylvia Arenas; District 10: Johnny Khamis
CITY OF SAN JOSE, MEASURE B; Funding for civic services: YES
ALUM ROCK UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT, MEASURE I; For bonds totaling $131,998,671.68 to fund improvements and renovations: YES
Gilroy Uniion School District, MEASURE E: For bonds totaling $170 million to fund improvements and upgrades: YES
Remember that all promotional materials received by mail and all information broadcast on radiio and TV may be forms of ‘propaganda’ because the presentation leans towards getting your vote. Be certain to vote in your own best interests. And remember that ‘the majority vote rules’.
Remember—the polls are oper from 7:00 AM until 8:00 PM. For information phone 408-299-VOTE and <www.sccvote.org> OR consult your “Sample Ballot and Voter Information pamphlet.” For San Jose City Council candidates, go to <www.sanjoseca.gov>; look for and select ‘Office of City Clerk” or during Monday-Friday work day (8 AM to 5 PM), phone 408-535-1260.
Be optimistic when you make your choices. You will feel ‘good’ because ‘your voice is your vote’ which when exercised, makes you a stakeholder and a constituent who may hold that elected official responsible and accountable. Finally, as a ‘corporate shareholder’ you have helped guide a civic enterprise which has $5 Billion per year budget expenditures. When you have voted, you have become a responsible participant in this local demoratic community.