
  • CA aprueba recolección de firmas para iniciativa electoral sobre ID de votantes

    Los partidarios de una iniciativa electoral propuesta para exigir una identificacion gubernamental para votar acaban de obtener la aprobacion estatal para comenzar a recolectar firmas. Un grupo llamado Reform California, dirigido por el locutor de radio conservador Carl DeMaio, patrocina la iniciativa, pero no respondio a las solicitudes de comentarios. Su...
  • CA approves signature gathering for ballot initiative on voter ID

    Backers of a proposed ballot initiative to require government ID to vote have just gotten state approval to start gathering signatures. A group called Reform California, run by conservative radio host Carl DeMaio, is sponsoring the initiative but did not respond to requests for comment. Its website cites concerns about voter fraud....
  • Lo que necesita saber sobre el fraude electoral en California

    Está escuchando mucho más sobre la integridad electoral — por muchas razones. Desde las elecciones de 2020, el problema se ha visto alimentado por la “Gran Mentira” — la afirmación sin fundamento que aún promociona el expresidente Donald Trump y sus aliados de que se robaron las elecciones —...
  • What you need to know about voter fraud in California

    You’re hearing a lot more about election integrity — for a lot of reasons. Since the 2020 election, the issue has been fueled by the “Big Lie” — the baseless claim still touted by former President Donald Trump and his allies that the election was stolen — and the...
  • Se espera participación récord de latinos en elecciones intermedias de AZ

    Se espera que más de 644,000 latinos de Arizona emitan su voto en noviembre. Eso es un aumento del 9,6 % en la participación de votantes latinos desde 2018 y un aumento del 77 % desde 2014. Esas estimaciones son de la National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO)....
  • Record Latino Voter Turnout Expected for AZ Midterms

    More than 644,000 Arizona Latinos are expected to cast their ballots in November. That’s a 9.6% increase in Latino voter turnout since 2018, and an increase of 77% since 2014. Those estimates are from the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials . Dorian Caal, the group’s director of civic...
  • Check with Voter Registrar — Are You Still on the Rolls?

    Mark Hedin Ethnic Media Services U.S. citizens across the country soon will vote on all 435 seats in the House of Representatives, for 35 U.S. senators and three dozen governorships. The House of Representatives and possibly the Senate are up for grabs. Given the high stakes, voters would do...
  • County Board of Education signs resolution supporting High School Voter Education Weeks

    ​SAN JOSE, CA– On Wednesday, April 3, the Santa Clara County Board of Education passed a resolution to support High School Voter Education Weeks. It passed unanimously, with one board member absent. This semi-annual event is designed to promote civic education and foster an environment which encourages learning by...