En una luminosa mañana a principios de enero, cerca de la confluencia de los ríos San Joaquín y Tuolumne en el centro de California, John Cain contempla un pequeño lago curvo. La mayoría de los árboles están desnudos para el invierno, pero Cain, director senior de conservación de la...
On a bright morning in early January near the confluence of the San Joaquin and Tuolumne rivers in Central California, John Cain looks out over a small, curved lake. The trees are mostly bare for winter, but Cain, senior director of conservation of the nonprofit organization River Partners, points...
Shelly Palmer The phrase “digital transformation” is so overused that it may be on the brink of its own transformation from a business imperative to a hackneyed refrain. Clichés aside, digital transformation is a business imperative and time is the enemy. So, let’s have a look at seven brain-busting...