Rachel Becker CalMatters En un hito importante, los reguladores estatales anunciaron en julio que casi un millón más de californianos tienen ahora agua potable segura que hace cinco años. Pero en todo el estado, el problema sigue siendo grave: más de 735,000 personas siguen recibiendo agua de los casi 400 sistemas que no...
Rachel Becker CalMatters In a major milestone, state regulators announced in July that nearly a million more Californians now have safe drinking water than five years ago. But across the state, the problem remains severe: More than 735,000 people are still served by the nearly 400 water systems that fail to meet state...
Eric Tegethoff Public News Service BOISE, Idaho – Rural Idaho communities that are looking to revitalize themselves should consider investing in one of the country’s greatest assets: older Americans. That’s according to researcher and small-town consultant Doug Griffiths, who is also the author of “13 Ways to Kill Your...