Los legisladores de Missouri están preocupados por proteger a las personas de los riesgos potenciales de la creciente accesibilidad de imágenes y videos generados por IA. El Comité de Innovación y Tecnología planea votar sobre la Ley Taylor Swift, un proyecto de ley que tiene como objetivo hacer ilegal...
Missouri lawmakers are concerned with protecting people from the potential risks of the increasing accessibility of AI-generated images and videos. The Innovation and Technology Committee is planning to vote on the Taylor Swift Act, a bill aiming to make it illegal to publish or threaten to publish AI-generated sexually explicit...
Los defensores de una atención sanitaria asequible están hablando para recordar a la gente lo que está en juego si se deroga la Ley de Atención Médica Asequible tras las recientes declaraciones del expresidente Donald Trump. Trump, que lidera las encuestas para la nominación republicana de 2024, dijo recientemente...
Advocates for affordable health care are speaking out to remind people what is at stake if the Affordable Care Act is repealed in the wake of recent statements by former President Donald Trump. Mr. Trump, who leads the polls for the 2024 Republican nomination, has recently said he is looking at...
Soundbite Services LOS ANGELES — Chances are you or someone you know live near a potentially hazardous chemical facility and may not even know it. A new interactive map and report from the Environmental Justice Health Alliance identifies 12,000 such facilities that it said present health and safety risks. Based on...