
  • Fury against migrants near Thanksgiving

    It makes sense that Thanksgiving is the primary non-religious holiday in the United States, a nation of migrants. The celebration immortalizes the gratitude that English settlers made for the generosity of the Wampanoag tribe during three days of, and probably very cold, festivities that would have taken place at...
  • A Thanksgiving for Dreamers

    Exactly one year ago, hundreds of thousands of “Dreamers” and many more immigrants spent a bittersweet Thanksgiving, because after so many promises, the immigration reform with a route to citizenship that the Democrats and president Joe Biden promised them was not achieved. On the eve of another Thanksgiving, the...
  • Repensar el Día de Acción de Gracias a los 400 años: una perspectiva nativa

    ISLA ALCATRAZ, California – Hace unos 400 años, en 1621, los colonos y las tribus nativas comieron juntos en la primera comida de Acción de Gracias. Pero muchas tribus ven esta fecha fundamental en la historia de Estados Unidos como un día para lamentar las pérdidas de vidas y...
  • Rethinking Thanksgiving at 400 Years: A Native Perspective

    ALCATRAZ ISLAND, Calif. — Some 400 years ago in 1621, the settlers and Native tribes ate together at the first Thanksgiving meal. But many tribes see this seminal date in American history as a day to mourn the losses of Native American lives and land that followed. This Thanksgiving,...
  • Las tribus nativas exigen una nueva narrativa este Día de Acción de Gracias

    Suzanne Potter Public News Service LAUGHLIN, Nev. — Esta semana marca el 400 aniversario de la primera comida de Acción de Gracias, y muchas tribus nativas americanas están pidiendo a otros estadounidenses que enfrenten algunas verdades difíciles. Señalaron que los pueblos indígenas perdieron la mayor parte de sus tierras...
  • Native Tribes Call for New Narrative This Thanksgiving

    Suzanne Potter Public News Service LAUGHLIN, Nev. — This week marks the 400th anniversary of the first Thanksgiving meal, and many Native American tribes are asking other Americans to face some hard truths. They noted Indigenous people lost most of their land and a great many lives to disease...
  • VTA Employees Raise More Than $20,000 for Food Bank

    SAN JOSE, CA – While the pandemic has been tough on everybody, there are certainly those who have been hit harder than others. VTA employees dug deep to raise a whopping $20,716 during its annual Thanksgiving drive to benefit Second Harvest of Silicon Valley! Of more than 300 teams...
  • Cómo organizar una comida festiva segura: la epidemióloga explica sus planes personales

    LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – Como muchas personas en este año inusual, estoy ajustando los planes de vacaciones de mi familia para que todos podamos estar seguros durante la pandemia de coronavirus en curso. Soy epidemióloga y madre de cuatro hijos con una gran familia extendida. Dado el serio resurgimiento...
  • How to Host a Safe Holiday Meal: Epidemiologist Explains Her Personal Plans

    LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Like many people in this unusual year, I am adjusting my family’s holiday plans so that we can all be safe during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. I am an epidemiologist and mother of four with a large extended family. Given the serious nationwide resurgence of COVID-19 infections, gatherings...