Ryan Sabalow CalMatters Si la asambleísta demócrata Wendy Carrillo hubiera escuchado los consejos habituales de los consultores de campaña, no habría dicho mucho después de chocar su auto mientras conducía ebria el otoño pasado. Podría haber emitido una disculpa por escrito y luego evitar hablar sobre su DUI, con la esperanza...
Ryan Sabalow CalMatters If Democratic Assemblymember Wendy Carrillo had listened to the standard advice from campaign consultants, she wouldn’t have said much after crashing her car while driving drunk last fall. She might have issued a written apology and then avoided speaking about her DUI, in the hopes that voters would...
Cuando se trata de la salud general de su hijo, las consultas de niño sano son el momento perfecto para garantizar que el desarrollo holístico de su hijo avance como corresponde. Ahora que la temporada de regreso a la escuela está por empezar, es el momento perfecto para hablar...
When it comes to your child’s overall health, well-child visits are the perfect time to ensure your child’s holistic development is progressing as it should. With back-to-school season ready to begin, now is the perfect time to discuss your child’s physical and mental health with their pediatrician or your...
Kevin Johnson CalMatters Con las campañas electorales para 2024 calentándose, la política de inmigración también lo está haciendo, y podemos esperar que el ciclo electoral traiga mucho fuego y azufre. Lamentablemente, como ha sido el caso durante mucho tiempo en la historia de los Estados Unidos, los inmigrantes probablemente...
Kevin Johnson CalMatters With 2024 campaigns heating up, immigration politics are as well, and we can expect the election cycle to bring much fire and brimstone. Sadly, as has long been the case in U.S. history, immigrants will likely suffer as a result of the political maneuverings. Seeking to establish...
Even as the coronavirus pandemic finally appears to be receding, Californians are in a funk. They are nearly evenly split on whether the state is headed in the right direction, according to a survey released last month by the Public Policy Institute of California, and gave poor marks to Gov. Gavin...
LOS ANGELES – The Parkinson’s Foundation, an organization that works to enrich the lives of people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) by improving the care they receive and promoting research in the search for a cure, announced this week its fifth annual conference in Spanish that will take place virtually...
LOS ANGELES – La Parkinson’s Foundation, una organización que trabaja para enriquecer las vidas de las personas con la enfermedad de Parkinson (EP), mejorando el cuidado que reciben y promoviendo la investigación en busca de una cura, anunció esta semana su quinta conferencia anual en español que tendrá lugar virtualmente...