Dorothy Fortenberry has been trying to sneak climate change into the background of the TV shows she’s worked on for as long as she’s been in the business. As a writer on The Handmaid’s Tale, she succeeded in getting subtle details included—her characters drove electric cars or ate organic food...
Nadia Lopez CalMatters La Junta del Aire de California aprobó por unanimidad el 15 de diciembre un amplio plan estatal para combatir el cambio climático, creando un nuevo plan para los próximos cinco años para reducir las emisiones de carbono, reducir la dependencia de los combustibles fósiles y acelerar...
Nadia Lopez CalMatters California’s air board unanimously approved on December 15 a sweeping state plan to battle climate change, creating a new blueprint for the next five years to cut carbon emissions, reduce reliance on fossil fuels and speed up the transition to renewable energy. Called a scoping plan, the 297-page...