Cuando Laura Swartzen vio el correo electrónico de la oficina del Título IX de la Universidad Estatal de Sacramento, sintió que su corazón dio un brinco. Swartzen, el defensor confidencial del campus de Sac State, había pasado los últimos nueve meses apoyando a un estudiante que denunció haber sido...
When Laura Swartzen saw the email from Sacramento State University’s Title IX office, it felt like her heart skipped a beat. Swartzen, the Sac State confidential campus advocate, had spent the past nine months supporting a student who reported being sexually assaulted. Swartzen had listened to the student’s wrenching...
Rachel Becker CalMatters California Gov. Gavin Newsom unveiled Thursday August 11 a broad strategy for bolstering the state’s water supply that includes targets to recycle more water, expand reservoir storage and collect more data on the amounts farmers use. Newsom warned that new strategies are essential because California’s water...