Desmond Meagley & Amy Elisabeth Moore CalMatters Despite broad protections for transgender student athletes, California has become the latest battleground in the growing national movement to remove them from women’s college sports. In one case, two public universities in California are leaving the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics after it imposed...
Mientras el presidente electo Donald Trump anuncia a personas de línea dura en materia de inmigración como su subjefe de gabinete y zar fronterizo la semana después de las elecciones, los grupos que apoyan a los estudiantes universitarios indocumentados en California prometen defender los derechos de las personas. Las...
As President-elect Donald Trump announces immigration hard-liners as his deputy chief of staff and border czar the week after the election, groups supporting undocumented college students in California are vowing to stand up for people’s rights. Golden State colleges serve 83,000 undocumented students, according to the Higher Ed Immigration Portal....
Mikhail Zinshteyn CalMatters Nearly a third of the academic and graduate student workers of the University of California are on strike, after the union of 48,000 employees escalated its labor standoff by walking off the job at UCLA and UC Davis this morning. With as many as 2,000 UC...
Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services Aunque la administración Biden ha logrado avances históricos en la aprobación de iniciativas de condonación de préstamos estudiantiles, las demandas en curso por parte de estados de mayoría republicana y un posible cambio de liderazgo en la Casa Blanca este año electoral amenazan su...
Selen Ozturk Ethnic Media Services Though the Biden administration has made historic strides in passing student loan forgiveness initiatives, ongoing lawsuits by Republican-majority states and a possible change of White House leadership this election year threatens their survival. Meanwhile, the lifting of pandemic-era freezes to federal student loan payments...
Yue Stella Yu CalMatters Steve Garvey, uno de los dos últimos candidatos al escaño en el Senado de California, llamó “terroristas” a los manifestantes pro palestinos que construyen campamentos en los campus universitarios, mientras se intensifica la tensión por la guerra de Gaza. Garvey, un republicano, hizo estas declaraciones...
Yue Stella Yu CalMatters Steve Garvey, one of the final two candidates for California’s U.S. Senate seat, called pro-Palestinian protesters who build encampments on college campuses “terrorists,” as tension over the Gaza war intensifies. Garvey, a Republican, made the statements last week in Los Angeles about the University of...
Are you one of the millions of people with student debt? Did you apply for a federal loan and still owe more than the original debt? President Joe Biden this week unveiled a federal plan that, if finalized, will bring relief to millions of people suffering from student debt....