Stroke Awareness Foundation Do you know the signs of stroke? The Stroke Awareness Foundation (SAF) wants to make sure you do, no matter what language you speak. That was the message of the SAF press conference last week. Held to welcome its newest board member, former executive director of...
San Jose, Calif., June 30, 2022 – The Stroke Awareness Foundation (SAF) will hold a press event on Thursday, June 30th, to announce that Chris Wilder, the powerhouse former Executive Director of the Valley Medical Center Foundation, will join its Board of Directors. Wilder is expected to bolster SAF’s...
Mayo es el mes de concientización sobre los derrames cerebrales. Las personas deben actuar rápidamente para evitar danos duraderos cuando ocurran. Preste atención a señales comunes como perdida del equilibro, dolor de cabeza o mareos; identifique si existe visión borrosa y note si una mitad del rostro esta caída con...
May is stroke awareness month. People need to act quickly to avoid lasting damage when they happen – and remember the acronym “BE FAST.” ‘B’ stands for balance and watch if someone is losing it. ‘E’ stands for eyes and changes to vision. ‘F’ is for face and signs of...