StatePoint ¿Su horario lo mantiene en movimiento? ¡Vea estas sencillas maneras de mantener el hambre a raya de modo saludable, sin importar dónde lo lleve su ajetreada vida, como en casa! Haga mini comidas En lugar de comidas grandes y pesadas, piense en pequeños bocados. Combine sus proteínas, verduras,...
StatePoint When it comes to buying new eyeglasses, many people focus on frames, spending hours trying on multiple shapes and colors. With so many styles to choose from, it’s easy to forget that glasses are used for a medical purpose and they need to do more than just look...
StatePoint It’s the things that she seems to do so effortlessly that make a Mom special: the encouraging words at the perfect time, the small affectionate gesture when you need it most, the thoughtful advice that only she could provide. This Mother’s Day, follow these three simple steps to...
StatePoint Haga la vida sencilla y deliciosa este verano con aperitivos, botanas y charolas de fiesta de estilo mediterráneo que están listas para servirse en un momento. No importa cuál sea la ocasión, desde barbacoas hasta graduaciones, puede disfrutar de toda una temporada de diversión al aire libre con...
StatePoint April is Financial Literacy Month, an ideal time to think about the lessons your children are learning about money. Setting a good financial example is just the start. Parents should also actively engage children on the topic. These lessons can help put kids and teens on the right...
StatePoint Los padres y personas responsables de cuidar a los niños podrían estar subestimando la importancia de la atención dental para los “dientes de leche” de los niños. De acuerdo a los Centros para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades, sólo el 63% de los niños entre 2 y...
StatePoint The chilly months can mean colds, flu and feeling worn down. But just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean you have to hibernate all winter. In addition to taking precautionary steps to stay healthy, it’s important to stay active with your family. Here are five great ways to...
StatePoint Healthy eating habits and gym routines can be hard to keep up after the excitement of the holidays fizzle. For parents who juggle busy schedules, it can be particularly challenging to squeeze in the recommended amount of physical activity each day. However, with a little motivation and a...
StatePoint In this digital age, you may go days without using a pen and paper, but there are many reasons to skip the devices and stick to writing things down. From staying organized to planning your week to tracking career growth, here are a few things to take note...